Honeymoon Bible Plan

To Equip & Encourage

Resources and articles to help you in your journey to becoming a better father, husband, and leader in your home, business, and community.

What Kind of Man are You?

character warren mainard
A pencil sitting on a book as a man takes notes.

“He is a beloved brother and faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord.” - Colossians 4:7

If the Apostle Paul could write one sentence describing you, to be placed in the Bible for all of eternity, what do you think he would say? For his friend Tychicus, he writes this simple description, letting the church of Colossae know that he was sending his dear friend to them “for this very purpose, that you may know how we are and that he may encourage your hearts” (v.8). We would do well to take note of these characteristics that Paul (and primarily the Lord), so deeply cherished and strive to pursue this type of reputation for ourselves too.

  1. Beloved Brother: When we come to Christ, we are adopted into God’s family. Every other believer becomes a brother or sister in Christ. We share the same Heavenly Father, who loves each of us infinitely. As Jesus prayed and preached to His disciples, we are called to love one another and be one (see John 15 & 17). It sounds simple, but we know it is not always easy to love our spiritual family practically and persistently. We should love others so well, that we become beloved, cherished members of the family.

  2. Faithful Minister: While our culture tends to gravitate towards charismatic, celebrity pastors, leaders, speakers, authors, and musicians; what really matters to God is becoming a faithful minister. A faithful minister cares deeply for others and is a humble listener, graciously pointing people towards the faith, hope and love of Christ. He is consistent, someone who can be counted on, day in and day out to bring light into darkness wherever he goes.

  3. Fellow Servant: Leadership is important, but that is not what Jesus emphasized with His disciples. Instead, he tells us that the great among us will be a servant to all, and that we are most like Him when we are washing the feet of those around us (see Matthew 23:11 and John 13). Serving can take many forms, but if you are not regularly washing the dishes, sweeping the floor, stacking the chairs, or taking out the trash, you may not be the servant you believe yourself to be. Don’t strive to stand out or be recognized for your service either but be content to be “a fellow servant” alongside other brothers and sisters in Christ.

There is nothing dazzling about this kind of discipleship. Yet, men like this are so few and far between that simply living this way will set you apart for God’s glory and God’s purposes in a noteworthy way.  What kind of man are you? 



Warren Mainard author photo
Warren Mainard
Executive Director | IMPACT Players
[email protected]
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