IMPACT Coaching Calls
Are you passionate about seeing men's lives transformed? Do you want to see the men in your community thrive in all aspects of their lives? Join the conversation and collaborate with us on how to best reach men and equip them to be the lead disciple makers in their home, community, and church.
Cohort & Men's Ministry Calls
Once per month, our National Director, Warren Mainard, will be hosting one Zoom Call for IMPACT Cohort leaders and a second one for Men's Ministry Leaders from across the country. This 30 minute coaching call will feature training, insights, and coaching best practices for IMPACT Cohort leaders. Each call will consist of 3 ten minute segments -
- Relational: Getting to know other IMPACT Leaders and/or Men's Ministry Leaders, their stories, and testimonies.
- Practical: Gold standard training* and best practices for leading men, making disciples, and facilitating a small group.
- Spiritual: We will have a Word from the Lord followed by a time of prayer. We will pray for one another and our ministries.
(After the formal meeting is over, Warren will stay online for as long as necessary to answer questions, discuss issues, strategize and pray with anyone who needs to go deeper.)

* The Training segment of the Coaching Call will be recorded and available to IMPACT Players Members in the IMPACT Coaching Network (digital community).

Join our Monthly Men's Ministry Roundtable Call
Fill out the form below and you'll receive an email with a Zoom link and details about joining the call!
Join our Monthly Cohort Coaches Call
Fill out the form below and you'll receive an email with a Zoom link and details about joining the call!