A Diagnostic Check Up for the Soul

“…the pride of your power, the delight of your eyes, and the yearning of your soul…” Ezekiel 24:21
How is your soul? Have you taken time to check in on your soul, to better understand whether or not you are in healthy alignment with God’s Word? In this difficult passage of Ezekiel, we see that God may use great personal loss in order to reveal to us a deeper understanding of our spiritual brokenness. Use these diagnostic check-up questions to evaluate if their are any sins or idols that are dominating your soul.
- Am I finding pride in power? In what ways/areas am I striving to gain control in my life? Am I angry or depressed because I lack the power to control someone or a situation?
- What is the delight of my eyes? What do I get most excited or infatuated to see, read or watch?
- What is the yearning of my soul? What is that I believe I need in order to be satisfied or made complete?
As Christ followers, our souls should be set on a higher plane of worship. In Christ, we strive to…
- Humble ourselves and boast in the cross of Christ. (See: James 4:10 and Galatians 6:14)
- Delight ourselves in the Lord. (See: Psalm 37:4)
- Yearn for an abiding relationship with Christ to fulfill and bring joy to your soul. (See: Psalm 42:1-2 and John 15:11)
In the apostle Paul, we have a great example of a man who understood these truths. Though he suffered much loss, he was willing to trade it all for “the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” Philippians 3:8. May we, like David take time to reflect on these questions and invite the Lord to, “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” Psalm 139:23-24.

Executive Director | IMPACT Players
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