Honeymoon Bible Plan

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Don’t Trust in Politicians

leadership warren mainard

“Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.” - Psalm 146:3

Many people today have placed too much trust in politicians. No, they don’t trust politicians, even the ones they support, but they have come to believe that their future, well-being, and the fate of the nation rests in their filthy hands. Grab your Bible and read Psalm 146 and then reflect on this IMPACT paraphrase of Psalm 146 -

Do not put your trust in political leaders. They are human; that is to say, they are riddled with the brokenness of sin and powerless to bring true salvation to anyone. When a politician dies, he is not coming back and whatever plans he had made will die with him. The person who chooses to seek help from God instead of a man is truly blessed. Since God is everlasting, we hope in the same God that our ancestors hoped in, and He will be the hope for future generations as well. Our God can be our hope and help because of His unlimited power; He made the heavens, the earth and the sea and every creature that moves and breathes. We can trust in God because He is trustworthy; He faithfully keeps all His promises forever; He executes justice for the oppressed, He is a provider for the poor and hungry among us. The God we trust in sets the prisoners free, opens the eyes of the blind, lifts up those who have been beat down and those who choose to bow down. While scoundrels seem to be celebrated in our culture, the Lord loves and rewards those who pursue integrity and righteousness. The God we trust in is not only for natural born citizens of our nation, He is also the hope and help for immigrants, refugees and exiles. The God we trust is not only for traditional families; He gives special help and attention to widows, single moms, orphans, foster children, and those who don’t have a dad in the home. While those who lie, cheat, and abuse the defenseless may get ahead in the short run, God guarantees that their outcome is ruin. At the end of the day, and at the end of all days, God, not a political leader, will reign and rule forever and ever for all people and all generations. So, lift up your praise and worship to the Lord.” (Paraphrase of Psalm 146:3-10)



Warren Mainard author photo
Warren Mainard
Executive Director | IMPACT Players
[email protected]
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