Is your relationship with money negatively impacting your relationships?

Good News For Your Finances is here to transform your financial life and improve the health of your relationships!


Invest in a Healthy Relationship with Your Finances and Achieve a Greater Life with Good News For Your Finances!

Whether you're struggling with money or simply looking to enhance your financial well-being, this 8-week video course is designed to empower you to achieve your dreams and become a great husband, father, and leader.

Start Your Journey

Do you find yourself...

  • Wanting to experience greater financial freedom to live the life you desire?
  • Stressed out over inflation and rising costs?
  • Aspiring to be more generous, but unsure how to make it happen?
  • Arguing with your spouse over money matters?
  • Longing to leave a legacy for your family and future generations?
  • Tired of telling your kids you canā€™t afford it?
  • Struggling to find the work-life balance that you long for?
  • Overwhelmed by the pressure of debt?
  • Ready to be a man who feels confident to lead his family well in their finances?

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

With Good News for Your Finances, you'll take control of your finances, become a leader in your relationships, and make a lasting impact.

Become a Member

Transforming Your FinancesĀ & Relationships

What makes Good News For Your Finances more than just another generic financial course is that it goes beyond simply providing practical financial tools and timeless Biblical insights and focuses on how succeeding in your finances can help you thrive in the relationships that matter most. Learning from real-life men who have achieved success in both their finances and relationships, IMPACT Players brings a unique depth of insight, experience, and expertise which will help you leverage your financial gains to improve your lifestyle, marriage, and family.Ā 


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